ESPR - European Society for Paediatric Research

1-3, rue de Chantepoulet
Geneva CH-1211

Since its establishment in 1953, the European Paediatric Research Society (ESPR) has evolved from a club for paediatricians interested in research in children to improve child care, to a 500-member strong organisation.

ESPR aims to promote paediatric research in Europe and encourage collaboration between different specialised fields of paediatrics to maintain paediatrics as a unified, scientifically orientated discipline.

One of the ways ESPR achieves these goals is by organising its own annual congress and co-organising others. These prestigious paediatric meetings attract thousands of experts in all fields of paediatrics, providing them with networking opportunities and exposure to the latest available research, treatments and patient care.

Tel: +41 22 906 9156
Fax: +41 22 732 2607
E-mail Address:

Useful Links:
Organization website

Events organized by ESPR - European Society for Paediatric Research: