DVTA - Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistentinnen/Assistenten in der Medizin e.V.

Geschäftsstelle, Spaldingstraße 110b
Hamburg D-20097

Tel: +49 (0)40 23 51 17  0
Fax: +49 (0)40  23 33 73
E-mail Address: info@dvta.de

The German Association of Biomedical Scientists (dvta e.V.) was founded in 1969 and is since then the professional body for biomedical scientists and medical technologists in Germany. The Associations office is in Hamburg in the north of Germany. With 18,000 members it is one of the major associations in Germanies public health sector. Since 2004 Mrs. Andrea Michelsen is  President of the German Association of Biomedical Scientists.

Useful Links:
Organization website

Events organized by DVTA - Deutscher Verband Technischer Assistentinnen/Assistenten in der Medizin e.V. :